Did you know 40% of Nigerian children of the age 6-11 do not attend any primary school? What’s even more concerning? Nearly 45% of Nigerian’s population is made up of children younger than the age of 15.

On October 8, 2015, the Trustees and representatives of Senator Ben Murray-Bruce of Nigeria announced their commitment to advancing the quality of education throughout Nigeria. Ben Murray-Bruce seeks to “re-awaken and boost the reading culture of Nigerian children and young people” by implementing No Child Held Back.


Collaborating with Senator Ben Murray-Bruce would be an honor. No Child Held Back understands the need to expand education opportunities for every child in the world. Together, we will create a foundation that allows each Nigerian student to exceed his or her full potential.

– Yovel Badash, Author of No Child Held Back


No Child Held Back aims to improve the quality of education all over the world by tearing down outdated paradigms allowing each student to reach their greatest personal and academic potential. The focus is not only to ensure all students graduate, but also to empower students to unleash a world full of capabilities they never knew they had.



Senator Ben Murray-Bruce is both a business magnate and politician. He was born in Lagos, Nigeria, where he completed primary education until college. After transferring from St. Gregory’s College in Lagos to University of South Carolina he received a bachelor’s degree in Marketing. In 2011, Ben ran for the governorship of Bayelsa State. After an unsuccessful outcome, Ben was elected to the State of Nigeria in March 2015.

Learn more about Ben Murray-Bruce here.

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